Living up to the name
It's been pretty hard to live up to the name of this blog lately. NASCAR's in the midst of its brief offseason and I haven't really sat still long enough to do a whole lot of knitting. Whatever delusions I had of accomplishing much knitting over the course of NYE weekend were quickly put to rest - there was Guinness present.I did work quite a bit on my Hermione the other night and just need to dig out my dpns so I can finish
up the crown. Fortunately, D.C. hasn't been particularly cold this winter so I'm not dying without woolen headgear. Next up, I have GOT to work on my Inishmore test. The Inishmore is like my Holy Grail - my Eleanor - of sweaters. I probably shouldn't even waste my time but if I never cast the sucker on, I'll never know. I definitely have to cast it on before the season starts, because I'll never be able to do all that detail work while watching a race. Socks and Banff are good race-day knitting.Daytona testing starts next week. There will be half-hour snippets on Speed next week, but I haven't decided if I'm going to watch or not. I'll prolly Tivo them and ffwd to see if there are any Chimmie sightings. The most exciting NASCAR development is that Stick bought our tickets for the Golden Corral 500!!! W'HOO! And that teensy matter of her working her connections to get us pit passes for race day! Now I just have to keep her unbroken through St. Patty's so we'll be ready to play at o'dark-thirty on the 19th. What do you think the chances are that she won't have fun and we won't have to go through another round of, "Jingle, it's all your fault"?
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