
Home again, home again, jiggity jog

U.S. Airways got me home safe and sound about 20 minutes ahead of schedule this a.m. Had to wait almost an hour for Stick's plane to land, but she eventually got here too and we loaded up her rental car and headed to Old Town for lunch at Union Street and a fly-by at Knit Happens. She dropped me off a little while ago and now I'm home procrastinating upending my luggage into the washing machine and attacking my room (the goat) to make it spit out my keys, which disappeared before I flew home.

We had a good visit with Sweetie for Christmas and the day after. I was actually surprised that more family didn't do a fly-by while we were there, but I saw two of my cousins and my uncle while we were there. I still have to mail my aunt and cousin their Xmas presents. I SO don't have my act together.

Somehow over the course of the next couple of days, I have to manage to celebrate my birthday, work two days, use 3 coupons, bake for the trip to the lake, make a new packing list, do laundry, pack...I clearly have no time for this!

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